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Uscis Legal Disclaimer

Uscis Legal Disclaimer

USCIS may disclose information provided by an applicant in the petition for legalization or other information derived from the petition, if it is available from another source (such as another petition or if the information is publicly available). USCIS employees have a professional and legal responsibility to protect the PII that the agency collects, distributes, uses, or maintains. All USCIS employees must follow appropriate procedures when handling all personal information and any information they encounter in the course of their work. All USCIS employees who handle PII should be aware of and follow the policies and procedures for collecting, storing, handling, and sharing PII. In particular, USCIS employees must: The materials available on or from this website are provided for general information purposes only, do not constitute legal advice and are not guaranteed to be complete or current. For general contact information that may be submitted by www.uscis.gov, we have conducted a Data Protection Impact Assessment (PIA) and a Registration System Notice (SORN), which provide details on privacy and redress options for the contact information we collect from the public. We may use this information to provide you with information and perform various administrative tasks. For more information, see the following data protection compliance documentation: Legal and regulatory provisions require confidentiality in cases of legalization and legalization of the Family Fairness in Legal Immigration Act (LIFE) and prohibit the publication of information that can be identified to an applicant for legalization. [27] The laws also do not allow anyone other than sworn officials and employees of DHS and DOJ to consider individual applications. This website contains hyperlinks to other resources on the Internet. These links are provided to help you identify and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest to you and are not intended to indicate or imply that NILC sponsors, endorses or is affiliated or affiliated with the information linked to or the Site or the company that owns the Site, or that NILC is legally authorized to use a trade name.

Trademark, logo, legal or official seal or copyrighted symbol that is reflected in or accessible through links. Participation in the Witness Security Program (commonly referred to as the Witness Protection Program) is not accounted for in USCIS systems. Applicants to the witness security program must not disclose to anyone, including USCIS employees, that they are participating in the program. A separate immigration file is created for a new identity of a program participant, and the information before and after the change of identity must be contained in separate files. However, a file contains documentation of a legal name change. The role of the Office of the Chief Counsel (OCC) of USCIS is to advise immigration officers on matters that arise in the performance of their official duties. (6 U.S.C. 272(D)). OCC does not provide legal advice to individuals or groups outside of USCIS and DHS. Thank you for visiting U.S.

Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) online and reading our Privacy Policy. USCIS is a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Our Privacy Policy explains how we treat personally identifiable information (PII) that you provide to us when you visit us online to browse, obtain information, or complete a transaction. PII includes information of a personal nature that can be used to identify you. You may provide us with PII when you send us an email or request for information, when you complete a satisfaction questionnaire or survey, when you participate in a research study, etc. We do not ask you to register or provide any personal information to visit our website. We collect certain technical information that does not include PII during your visit to make your visit transparent. The following section explains how we process and collect information when you visit www.uscis.gov. The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only. The use of the information contained on this website does not constitute an offer of legal advice and, therefore, neither this website nor the use of the information on the website creates an attorney-client relationship.

The information contained in the application for legalization may only be used in the following circumstances: Case-specific information may be provided to the applicant and the applicant`s lawyer or authorized representative (with a completed notice of registration of the appearance as a lawyer or accredited representative (Form G-28) in the files) after verification of the applicant`s identity.

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