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Teamviewer Legal Compliance

Teamviewer Legal Compliance

As TeamViewer is a business partner, before the platform can be used in conjunction with PSRs, companies must have signed a Business Partner Agreement (BAA) with TeamViewer. A BAA is a legal document that prescribes the safeguards that the business partner must have in place and requires each signatory party to be responsible for maintaining its HIPAA compliance. Data protection is one of our compliance goals, as described in our Compliance Policy, which sets the tone from above for compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. The handling of data protection issues is the responsibility of all employees of the TeamViewer organization, with responsibility for the defined topics determined by the Management Team (SLT) and the Board of Directors. In addition, with the added support of our legal department, our GDPR officers act as the first point of contact for our employees in each department to ensure the company`s compliance with the GDPR. Our structural framework creates a holistic view of data protection and enables us to implement the legal obligations given. This enables all members of the TeamViewer organization to comply and work in compliance with the GDPR. TeamViewer AG and its subsidiaries, including TeamViewer Germany GmbH (“TeamViewer”), take the protection of personal data very seriously. Therefore, data protection is one of our compliance priorities, as outlined in our Compliance Policy, which sets the tone from above for compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. TeamViewer acknowledges and takes to heart its responsibility for compliance with the data processing principles in accordance with Art.

5 Para. 2 GDPR. RoPA is actively and regularly maintained on a departmental basis and is also centrally managed by the legal department, for which TeamViewer uses OneTrust data management software. On June 28, 2018, the California Consumer Protection Act of 2018 (CCPA) was signed into law and went into effect on January 1, 2020. TeamViewer is committed to CCPA compliance and data protection. For more information, please visit the TeamViewer and CCPA page of our knowledge base. TeamViewer has set up a data protection organization within the company that covers governance, policies and procedures. There is at least one dedicated specialist responsible for GDPR compliance in each department.

We demonstrate our compliance by introducing internal guidelines and implementing technical and organisational measures that address, among other things, identified data protection risks. TeamViewer is a leading global technology company that provides a connectivity platform for remote access, control, management, monitoring and repair of equipment of all types – from laptops and mobile phones to industrial machines and robots. Although TeamViewer is free for personal use, it has more than 620,000 subscribers and enables businesses of all sizes and industries to digitize their critical processes through seamless connectivity. Against the backdrop of global megatrends such as device proliferation, automation and new work, TeamViewer is proactively shaping digital transformation and continuously innovating in the fields of augmented reality, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. Since the company`s founding in 2005, TeamViewer software has been installed on more than 2.5 billion devices worldwide. The company is headquartered in Göppingen, Germany, and employs approximately 1,400 people worldwide. In 2021, TeamViewer achieved invoices of €548 million. TeamViewer AG (TMV) is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and is part of MDAX. For more information, see www.teamviewer.com. TeamViewer has implemented an optimized data breach notification process in accordance with Articles 33 and 34 of the GDPR.

The process includes accurate and complete documentation of each incident using a standardized template. In addition, a detailed risk assessment is carried out by the legal department in accordance with the risk assessment matrix of the panel of independent German data protection supervisory authorities of the federal and state governments. (DSK Short Paper No. 18 Risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons). Each incident is assessed within the target time frame of 72 hours and concludes with a decision on whether regulators should be notified. TeamViewer management is informed of all incidents and internal records are kept. TeamViewer has implemented an optimized data breach notification process in accordance with Articles 33 and 34 of the GDPR. TeamViewer has an established erasure concept that is centrally monitored and actively maintained at departmental level, including retention periods and schedules, to ensure a consistent approach to data deletion. Meeting the highest standards to protect our customers` data PressMichael KornspanPhone: 727-910-7340Email: [email protected] Teamviewer allows remote access to digital devices. All data centers used by TeamViewer have achieved ISO/IEC 27001 certification, the international standard for information security management systems and security controls. Further information on our data processing purposes can be found in our General Privacy Policy.

As a fully HIPPA compliant solution provider, TeamViewer Health Point enables technicians to detect a problem with the data and notify the appropriate personnel needed to restore the data flow. This eliminates the need for regular personal check-ups and significantly reduces the likelihood of an unsuccessful test. Regular checks ensure that the data stands up to audits and provides tangible results that the service it provides meets certain specifications. TeamViewer always takes into account the right to data protection in the development and design of our products, services and applications. In addition, we regularly implement appropriate technical and organizational measures within companies. At TeamViewer, data protection is based on three pillars. Data centers have state-of-the-art security controls in place, which means that personal access control, video camera surveillance, motion sensors, 2×4/7 surveillance, and on-site security personnel ensure that access to the data center is granted only to authorized individuals and that the best possible security for hardware and data is guaranteed. There is also a detailed identification check at the single point of entry to the data center. All employees are regularly trained personally and via TeamViewer`s internal learning management platform on topics related to data protection and GDPR.

We use externally generated content and also provide internally created content to ensure condensed distribution and depth of training. For more information about the security features of 2FA TeamViewer, please click here. Yes, Teamviewer is HIPAA compliant. The company will sign a Commercial Partner Agreement (BAA) for customers who wish to use the Patient Health Information (PHI) service. It also provides HIPAA-compliant security measures, including physical, network, and process security practices. Feature Spotlight – Security for HIPAA Compliance ISO 9001:2015 is the globally recognized standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Companies use the standard to demonstrate their ability to consistently deliver products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. End-to-end encryption (E2EE) ensures the security of data stored, transmitted or received via TeamViewer. E2EE prevents unauthorized access to data by converting it into a format that can only be read with a decryption key.

Under HIPAA, TeamViewer is considered a business partner when working with healthcare customers. Therefore, it is important to ensure that they maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the protected health information (PHI) filtered by their software. TeamViewer has implemented and follows a 2-step risk assessment process to meet the data protection risk management requirements of the GDPR (Art. 35 and 36). This process includes a prior assessment and, where applicable, a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) for each process documented in the Processing Activity Logs (RoPA). To support our DPIA process and document DPIAs performed, TeamViewer uses the PIA tool provided by the French supervisory authority (CNIL) for this purpose. When commissioning processing activities of a processor, TeamViewer only uses processors that offer sufficient guarantees, including for the security of the processing, and implement technical and organizational measures that meet the requirements of the GDPR and the additional requirements of TeamViewer. TeamViewer uses the above contractual framework to systematically pre-evaluate subcontractors.

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