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Preliminary Freeskate Requirements

Preliminary Freeskate Requirements

Click on the individual links to download the test requirements for each level of adv skating. (Moves to the field – mitf) The standard freestyle events are divided into eight classes, which are taken in the following order: preliminary, preliminary, prejuvenile, juvenile, intermediate, novice, junior and senior. Standard movements in the field test at the same level are the prerequisite for a standard freestyle test. Adult Bronze Freestyle Test (OFD)The candidate must perform reasonably well, demonstrating mastery of the following required elements, a sense of speed, flow and edge depth. The basics of freestyle must be demonstrated, but not necessarily mastered. Cody`s figure skaters are taking the next path, hoping to become the U.S. figure skating gold medalist — which is the highest honor awarded to a figure skater and requires years of hard work and dedication. A sequence of serpentine steps of very advanced difficulty with complex sequences of turns on the ground covering the entire ice surface and including counters and swings. Seat rotation – in a recognizable sitting position (3 turns). A combination of jumping – waltz jumping, toe loop (no rotation or change of foot between jumps). Choice of Camel Spin, Sit Spin or Layback Spin (at least 6 laps in position) A double jump: Double Salchow, Double Toe Loop or Double Toe Walley. Figure skating in the United States can be competitive or leisure, and those learning to skate can choose both paths. While competitive skaters must participate in the U.S.

test structure to eventually compete in qualifying competitions, recreational skaters can also opt for tests to continually challenge themselves and their skills. Junior Free Skate Test (JRF)The candidate must perform very well in all respects. The focus should be on strength, flow, edge quality, line and footwork. The program must show a good harmonious composition, which is patinated with rhythm and expression to the music, while the entire ice surface is used. The following are required:. Front scratch on rear scratch – rotating foot exit (at least 4 turns on each foot). Adult Silver Free Skating Test (SFR)The candidate must perform well and demonstrate mastery of the following required elements showing good shape, edges, flow, strength and expansion. There are five different disciplines in which skaters test: Rotation of one foot (at least 3 laps) optional free position of the free leg towards knee height Intermediate test of free skating (IF)Strong and smooth edges and turns, combined with correct posture and effortless flow, using music and ice surface, The candidate is expected in all types of free skating elements (jumps, pirouettes and no connection).

The following are required:. Ladies: Layback or Attitude Spin (at least 4 laps in position). Men: Forward Camel Spin (at least 4 laps in position) Two different jump combinations, consisting of two double jumps or one double and one triple jump (no rotation or change of foot between jumps). At least four different double or triple jumps, one of which must be a double lutz. If the skater performs triple jumps, only one can be repeated in jump combinations or sequences. A jump sequence consisting of small jumps followed by any double jump. Connecting trains consisting of spirals, strong edges and equitable use of music and full use of the ice surface A circular sequence of stages of advanced difficulty that covers the surface of the ice, consisting of steps and turns on the ground such as spreading eagles, spiral suits, three curves, supports, etc. One rotation with a change of foot, optional change of position (at least 4 turns per foot). Must include one of the following positions: camel, sitting or posture. Free skating and pair tests require skaters to follow a program of jumps, pirouettes and step sequences. In order to test a certain level of the free skating or pair test, skaters must first pass the corresponding movements in the field test. At least three different individual jumps, one of which must be a salchow and a toe loop One must be a spin combination consisting of at least two positions and at least one change of foot (at least 10 turns in total) A jump-choice combination from above with a loop jump (no rotation or change of foot between jumps).

The loop jump must be the second jump. A sequence of stages – either in a straight or circular line of a backspin foot – optional entry (at least 3 laps in position) Official U.S. figure skating tests can be taken by all figure skaters who are members of a member club or university club, individual members who are currently registered in the United States. Figure skating and are otherwise qualified under these rules, as well as members of an ISU member association. Seated forward rotation (at least 4 turns in position) Movements and connection steps must be demonstrated throughout the program. Movement on the field is a fundamental advance in skating skills. Each test level has several fixed patterns of curves, edges, spirals, and steps that become increasingly difficult.

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